Why Does Digital Forensics Matter to Me?

Digital forensics and electronic evidence can uncover data you tried to get rid of or thought was gone. While files are not immortal, they can stick around for a long time. Computers give up their secrets to digital detectives.


[Source: Computers and Technology: Computer Forensics Articles from EzineArticles.com - Posted by FreeAutoBlogger]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the lovely post. I too agree with your points mentioned therein. Computer Forensics is the process of using the latest knowledge of science and technology with computer sciences to collect, analyze and present proofs to the criminal or civil courts. Network administrator and security staff administer and manage networks and information systems should have complete knowledge of computer forensics. The meaning of the word "forensics" is "to bring to the court". Forensics is the process which deals in finding evidence and recovering the data. The evidence includes many forms such as finger prints, DNA test or complete files on computer hard drives etc. The consistency and standardization of computer forensics across courts is not recognized strongly because it is new discipline.